Collective Group Reframing – Collectively, we can change… and that feels good.

Collective Group Reframing – Collectively, we can change… and that feels good.

Collective Group Reframing – Collectively, we can change… and that feels good.

If you could change the way you think about things and it would change your life and bring to your body, would you do it?  Learn how with a Collective Group Reframing Session with Dr. Nikki Reed Wilson, BCND.


  • As you see yourself today, do you notice pain and stress?
  • Within the body?
  • Within your relationships?
  • Within your communities? Country?
  • Are you able to express your true thoughts and feelings?


In a Collective Group Reframe, we will uncover the subconscious reasons our symptoms and stress are happening.  When our bodies react in ways that we do not choose, we can describe those behaviors as triggers.

2 Ways to Learn About Your Triggers

2 ways to learn about your triggers are through muscle testing and through voice analysis.  Muscle testing is simply a conversation between me and your subconscious mind.  How does it work in a group setting?  I will muscle test the collective consciousness of those participants who are open, ready and willing.  The technology that allows me to put these subconscious conversations in tangible form is my ZYTO Elite software.


You can rent or purchase ZYTO Hand Cradles for virtual sessions from our office.  


Concepts of Perceptions and Limiting Beliefs

I will share concepts of perceptions and limiting beliefs and how they keep us from our heart’s desire.  We will us David Hawkins Power vs Force, as well the universal language of emotions to raise consciousness.  

  • Did you know that each note on the musical scale resonates with a region of the body?
  • Or that musical vibrations can also be helpful in shifting our perceptions?
  • What life view do you currently have?  Do you see beauty in all things or do you carry a vibration of fear around?

In a Collective Group Reframe, we are tapping into the quantum field of all possibilities.  The holographic effect implies that what is happening to one is also happening to the whole.  We can even apply that on a cellular level and say that what happens to one of my cells is happening to the trillion.  


Affordable Collective Group Reframing

Our Collective Group Reframes are affordable so you can repeat them weekly or monthly in order to create a realistic time frame for sustainable change.

Two ways in which we learn:

  • Law of Association (Positive and Negative Known Experiences)
  • Law of Repetition (forming a practice of this work can result in powerful paradigm shifts)


A walk through a Collective Group Reframing Session

I collect subconscious stressors:

  • Who are the people who trigger us?
  • What chakra isn’t vibrating at it’s highest potential
  • When did the stress originally occur?
  • When were we in an environment where we were unseen, unfelt and unheard?
  • Why do we hold onto limiting beliefs that no longer serve us?  What are they?
  • In which of the 12 ZONES of Perception are we most reactive?

The subconscious stressors are represented by the red dots outside the circle in figure 1.  The goal of a Collective Group Reframing Session is to bring these stressors into alignment, indicated by the red dots turning green and moving inside the circle.

Then I collect the following balancers:

  • What do we need to feel in order to heal?
  • Which flower essences help us to process unprocessed emotions?

We are able to see in the following screenshots, that 3 of the 6 stressors were brought into balance simply by looking for more beauty in all things, including traumatic events.

The remaining stressors were brought into range and balanced once we connected to our past memories, felt the emotions in the present moment, and reimagined a more balanced behavior or situation in the future.

I will conclude each Collective Group Reframing Session by retelling the story that no longer serves us, in hopes that when we hear it again, the nervous system no longer carries the same reactive charge.  This calming effect is due to shifting our perceptions and healing by feeling our feelings.

I offer Collective Group Reframing Sessions in my office as well as virtually Wednesday evenings at 6:00 PM.  Book now using this link:

Allergies, Asthma, Bronchitis, Colds, Influenza, Sinus Infections, & Pneumonia all affect our Respiratory System

Allergies, Asthma, Bronchitis, Colds, Influenza, Sinus Infections, & Pneumonia all affect our Respiratory System

During cold and flu season, protecting your respiratory system can be a real challenge.  Holistic ReDesign consists of three simple steps but can at times be complex within each step due to addressing the mind, body and spirit connection.  




1. It is my observation that the following things come up often as Stressors on clients scans that have symptoms affecting the respiratory system.

This list are common triggers/ stressors we want to assist the body in RELEASING: 

  • stress
  • mold
  • animal hair or dander
  • chemicals in food or environment or prescription meds
  • fungus
  • parasites
  • pollen
  • cigarrette smoke
  • dust
  • respiratory infections due to virus, bacteria, & pathogens
  • exercise
  • negative thinking
  • unprocessed emotions

Since mucus and inflammation are the biggest challenges with these symptoms, let’s release anything that contributes to more of that painful inflammation. Here are some dietary suggestions to eliminate when dealing with respiratory symptoms:

  • eliminate refined grains including cakes, pastries, tortillas, white rice, white bread.  Ask yourself does this food turn to paste, gooey, muscusy texture when mixed with a little water?
  • eliminate dairy because it produces more mucus
  • eliminate acidic and sugary beverages
  • eliminate fast foods, processed foods, and foods high in bad fats because they eliminate sulfur in the body and as a consequence increases mucus.

I feel that if we rid the body of stressors/ toxins/ triggers including physical, mental, spiritual and emotional triggers…and we restore the body with what it needs, that our bodies can heal themselves.  Think of this step, RESTORE, as ways to assist the body in what it already innately knows what to do. 

2. Historically, the following nutrients, herbs, homeopathics, healing modalities have been used to restore balance for respiratory symptoms.

  • Feel your feelings
  • Hydrate
  • Rest
  • Epsom Salt Baths, Infrared Sauna, Dry Skin Brushing, Enemas, Lymphatic Movement
  • Eat easily digestible proteins, good quality fats, vegetables and super greens
  • One teaspoon of lemon and one teaspoon of honey in warm water sipped as a tea helps to break up mucus
  • B Complex vitamin that includes pantothenic acid (B5) as well as vitamins A and D and C
  • Minerals
  • Probiotics 
  • NSP’s Silver Shield or Barlow Herbal’s LDM-100
  • Chlorella or Spirulina (Super greens high in b-vitamins, vitamins a, d, and c, minerals and an easily digestible protein) 
  • Positive affirmations: I am free from all congestion and influence. I am at peace with myself and others. All is well.

I need you to be aware that  these herbs have all been used by me and my children to RESTORE health during respiratory symptomatic times. We do not take over the counter medications nor prescription drugs so we don’t have to worry about drug-herb interaction, but if you take meds…do your research to make sure there aren’t interactions that push you further away from center.  

Herbals I trust: Nature’s  Sunshine Product’s:  VS-C, ALJ, LB Extract, Lobelia, Echinacea. 

3. Shifting your perception from victimhood into a state of empowerment will allow the mucus to move on out.  

Do you know anyone who has a phlegmatic personality?  Do they tend to linger or stick around even though the conversation has clearly ended? Guided imagery tip: Perhaps it would be nice to imagine sending the mucus an “I regret to inform you letter, but it’s time to move your mucus self on out.  There’s no longer rooms for rent in my sinus cavity nor lungs.  Times up.  Got to go! With love, Empowered Landlord” 

REFRAMING your perception of being emotionally disconnected to one that is emotionally integrated helps to open up the energy in the lung and heart chakra areas.  Reframe your thoughts to be more conducive of building relationships rather than becoming cold hearted at this time in your life.  Start with simple visualizations and using your imagination to activate the cells in your body to be mind medicine.
I recently had a 3 day mucus project and did everything on this list.  My influenza/ sinusitis was gone in three days. I was back at work yesterday and even though there is a lingering brain fog, I am going to set time today to meditate and visualize myself meeting someone new in 2018. That immediately warms my heart and gets my blood and oxygen circulating which helps the brain fog better and faster than taking an herb.
If you find yourself wanting to purchase herbs at wholesale rather than retail, Go to and at the end of placing your order, you can use my sponsor number 226071.  We offer discounts on all supplement scans for clients in our NSP downline! If you are interested in Barlow Herbal’s LDM-100, call our office and we can order for you and she to you.  My favorite spiraling tablets come from and you can use coupon code: HolisticReDesign to receive 25% off.  Take advantage of those savings, folks and stay warm hearted and warm thinking!
Seeing, feeling, and hearing you,
5 Holistic ReDesign™ Acts of Self-Care that Separate the Men from the Boys

5 Holistic ReDesign™ Acts of Self-Care that Separate the Men from the Boys

Holistic ReDesign™

Holistic ReDesign™

Why do some Holistic ReDesign™ clients have more extreme results more than others? The answer might surprise you.

A Holistic ReDesign™ Session is not to be taken lightly.  It’s not for the faint of heart nor is it for those looking for a quick fix.  You didn’t get yourself into this pickle of feedback of symptoms and stress overnight and you sure aren’t going to find your zen center in one Holistic ReDesign session either.  You will, however, have a road map to reach your best-balanced self in what may seem like a novel of biofeedback reports.

I like to think of a Holistic ReDesign™ Session is for those open, ready, and willing to see their subconscious triggers, the limiting beliefs holding them back from living their best life now and for those who are ready to do the work.  In your session, we will uncover specific limiting beliefs that sabotage your heart’s desires and we will review hundreds of options that you can start doing today to move in a direction of balance and adaptability.  Most of which, won’t cost you a dime.

Here are the 5 acts of self-care that separate the men from the boys and the clients with extreme results from the subtle “maybe I feel better’s.”

Do this daily and move 50% or more closer to center…I double dare you to try:

1. Breathing

It’s free.  Infinite love and gratitude to our ability to breathe -in and out with ease. My favorite meditative techie tool that syncs with your smart phone and helps you get head-heart centered is my HeartMath™ Blue tooth wireless sensor.  Daily practice for a few minutes a day helps this momma keep her cool when triggered as well as building confidence in knowing I am making heart-centered decisions rather than fear based impulsive choices that push me further deviating from zen zero center. We offer your first HeartMath™ Sessions complementary at our office for you to try it out before purchasing a sensor on your own.

2. Water

Not free, but definitely cleaner and more available to us in North America without contamination than most countries. I often set reminders either on my phone or post-it notes to remind me to love myself with WATER.  Connect to the metaphor of WATER and immediately feel inspired to go with the flow. Be sure to drink half of your body weight in fluid ounces daily.  I weight 130lbs, so that means I need 65 fluid ounces a day to stay properly hydrated.  If you’re drinking a cup of coffee, add an additional glass of water.  Water can adapt and go around obstacles can’t it?  Well, so can we. Especially when we are properly hydrated.  

3. Food

Eat real food as often as possible, avoiding the man-made sugar heavy void of nutrients crap. Eat less food and include fasting how many years you are, spread out in 365 days. I am 39 years young. 39 spread out across 365 days in a year comes out to be fasting days every 9th or 10th day for me.  Liquids only on those days helps keep my digestive system doing what I expect it to do… to digest, assimilate and eliminate with ease.

4. Rest

Another free act of self-care. 7-9 hours a night. When you are resting, you are allowing your body to restore, regenerate and be WHOLE.  I love saying this phrase in all my sessions…the most YIN we will ever be is in our mother’s wombs…doesn’t that feel nice just thinking about it? I want clients to know that we not only need to set time to rest our physical bodies, but we also need to rest our contemplative minds and rest our emotional selves.  I like to think of an emotionally available person as one who is emotionally rested. Hard to explain, but I bet you’re picking up what I’m putting down, aren’t ya? Process those emotions as they arise and don’t let them exhaust you…sweeping your feelings under the rug is as obvious as sweeping a small child under the rug.  It’s silly and it doesn’t help you get where you want to go. Most people, including myself can bring their best when they are rested.  Try getting a child to bring their best when they aren’t rested…incredibly hard to do. If you want to be more adaptable and less reactive when triggered, then rest up… mentally, emotionally and physically or else your 4-year-old self may show up and run the show. If you find yourself acting like a toddler, schedule your Holistic ReDesign™ Session now so we can neutralize those triggers and process old feelings buried alive that are begging to be laid to rest with love and gratitude.

5. Exercise

Get in your body. See your body. Feel your body. Listen to your body. Choose some activity that allows the lymphatic system to flow and possibly assist with flexibility.

Alrighty big boys and girls, start incorporating these 5 acts of self-care and you’ll see transformation happening in big ways! Want to take things to the quantum level, then review and put into action your balancers on your personalized ZYTO biofeedback reports from our session.

Seeing, feeling and hearing you,
